Just a few minutes ago, I completed trading in the zone. Some of the great knowledge I learnt:
- Memories are like energy. When something bad happen to us, we will register it in our brain. When something reminds us of it, it will generate negative energy.
- Like say for example, I fear the dark a lot, due to the many impressions of it from horror movies. However, this negative energy can be diminished, if I dare to face it step by step, or for the brave, a big bold step.
- Memories cannot be forgotten, but energy can be taken away from it (negative experience) to make it docile. The energy can be transferred to something more positive, like the joy of enjoying a good night sleep.
- Mainly, the book talks about the psychological factor of trading, due to fear and greed. And the psychology he teach can help you to counter the negative energy accumulated from trading. Trading should not bring you any bad energy, but only operating objectively and creatively.
- In terms of trading, think in terms of probabilities. Act like a casino operator.
- Trade in sizes of 3 lots, and take profits along the way.
Overall, although I feel that I am not very emotional when it comes to trading, I feel that this book is a must read for all traders. It is really different from the same bullshit in other trading books, and really opens up my mind.