Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Bought HK land

Hong Kong is going through a dark time
No one knows the outcome
It will be tragic if there is a repeat of Tian An Men

Bought 500 of HK land some day ago at 5.61 USD
this is my first share in USD
I thought of buying it in the past
and recently, it approached a support level which I wanted to purchase in the past
looking to buy another 500 when it goes close to the next level @ 4.5 USD

it is a growth stock to me
their dividend is around 4%, but I may be wrong
but their payout ratio is very conservative, more less than Capitaland

My portfolio is fluctuating around S$70k now, a milestone for me
looking forward to see if there are other opportunities to swallow more shares again
many financial commentators are saying next year might have a recession
Berkshire Hathaway is also hoarding cash (something they do not do)
they have around 120 billion, multiple times more than what they had a few years ago

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Salesforce bought over Tableau, sold Salesforce

My Tableau shares have been converted to Salesforce.
There was profit of around USD 800.
I sold Salesforce, as I do not like the valuation.
Their sales was growing yearly, around $14 (LY) to $17(TY).
But their PE ratio was around 95.
Also a good time to load up on cash, as markets have been crashing this few days.
May be good, as many predict a stock market crash next year.

Did not like the purchase price.
Might consider if it is around $120.