Friday, June 28, 2013

Equity:1,013.34 - Job resume

Good morning. I just had my funds come in, S$1000. But I lost around $80 the last 2 days, seems like things are not easy as I thought. I will be studying Forex again this weekend since trading is not opened.

Anyway on another topic, I just had a phone training about my job resume. I signed up for it through Jobscentral, a job agency. It is supposed to help me with my resume, since I have sent out many and receive nothing in reply. Although I am expecting to hear many things that I already read on the internet, but unexpectedly there are also other things I learnt.

  • Firstly he pointed out on my short objective, which is on top of my resume. It should not be so much of myself, but rather what I can do for the company.
  • My work experiences, is just like listing down my job description, which many other candidates are doing the same. He recommended that I pair up each description with an achievement. Even if there is no achievement, just write something down, haha. 
  • He also mentioned about the 'CAR' concept when writing down my experiences. Challenge, Action, Result. What is the challenge I face, what action did I take, and what is the result. 
  • He said that hiring managers do not really look so much into work experiences (!!), but what I can do for the company. 
  • I also missed out a 'Skills' section, to tell the hiring manager about my people skills. Like how I can work with the Sales team to give me their data, how I build rapport, etc. He mentioned that this section it is very important. Do not lie, as the hiring managers might ask you to quote examples during the interview. Even if you lie through the interview, in long term, there will also be consequences. Maybe just say that you are willing to learn or have positive learning altitude if you really dislike socializing.
  • Around 20% of available jobs come from job agencies and job websites. The other chunk comes from networking. There is social networking like Linkedin and networking with friends and family. Spending more time on networking produces the best results (20/80 principle). 
  • The reason for the above is that when a big company is hiring, they will usually ask internally if anyone wants a transfer or if anyone has a recommendation. It is only dripped down to headhunters and job websites for last resorts.
  • Headhunters have different caterers. For recruit express, it is meant for lower positions. For Morgan Mckinsley, they are more for executives.
  • One of the best thing I heard from the adviser is a story about a person that wants to work in the big 5. She went to the extend of sending slow mail to the hiring manager. The hiring manager was impressed and wanted to have coffee with her. In the end she got a job there as there was someone else leaving. She got the job even before the job vacancy was posted. Even if she does not get a job, the hiring manager would have recommended her to somewhere else.
  • This is one classic example of networking even if you do not know the person. And it is also networking at a very efficient level, because you are going directly to the person that can help you get what you want. They can use their networking and help you. Therefore, if there is a company that you are really interested to work in, you can try this strategy.
I paid S$120 for the service, and I thought that the money is not that much as knowledge is more important. The person I spoke to worked in HR for 9 years, and is now running his own business partnering other job agencies. Not sure if it can really help me in anyway, but having more knowledge is better than none. 

Have a good weekend!

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