Friday, December 20, 2013

671 - Finished Breaking Bad

Such an awesome series.

The best I ever watched in my life, and I think for many other people too. I just finished the last episode 3 days ago, and I feel kinda of sad. It is the first time I really miss the actors in a series.

The acting of the acting crew is astounding. It is the only series I think is enjoyable to watch with latter episodes. Great series like Prison Break is only good in the first few series. But for Breaking Bad, it feels like the director has planned so far ahead, with unshown scene from 5 years ago appearing in the last few series. What a genius.

Before my infatuation with the series fades, I will list out my favorite things about the show.

Favorite character: Walter White. Though many people dislike him towards the end, I still vouch for him to have a happy ending. I just love his character.

Coolest character : Mr Fring. So pleasant in his normal self. Nice family-feel house. Forgiving fast food manager. But on the other side, very wise and cold-blooded drug lord.

Scariest character: Tuco Salamanca and his cousins. Very crazy people. I actually thought that when the twins died, there were no scarier villains than them. They are just so ruthless, unpredictable and meticulous.

Most hated character: Hank's wife, Meri or something. A drama queen, and keeps wanting my favorite character to die. No wonder Hank just feel like slapping her at times.

Craziest acting: Tuco is good, but his role is so minor. I have to say Jesse acting is out of this world. I actually think after the show, he suffers a bit of depression like Johnny Depp. His acting is just so real, and expressive. He really made the word 'BITCH' such a nice thing to say.

Favorite scene: I actually like all the violent scenes. But my favorite should be when they are making meth. So serene, the blue crystals are just so beautiful. It is also the time when Walt really enjoys his work. Maybe we can learn something from this show, to really pursue what you love to do.

Least favorite scene: When Mike gets shot :(. That is one time I hate Walt.

Favorite violent scene : The prison assassination. The director pairs it up with happy music, so sick.

Favorite introduction of a series : It made me want to eat KFC.

Smartest move by Walt : Jesse and Walt gets stuck in their trailer, with Hank outside. Tense moment. Relax, be calm, and Walter diversed a brilliant plan.

Things learnt: Family is all. I liked it so much that I am thinking of tattooing the Latino words. Of course I learnt many other things as well, how the dark world works, human nature, etc.

Thoughts on the ending: I think it is a satisfying ending. It can't be any better for me. I hoped that Jesse and Walt will not hate each other, which it did. Jesse had one last look of submission before he drove away in the last scene. It is also touching to see that Walt protecting him like a father, when rescuing Jesse from slavery. Many people also hope Walt gets punishment towards the end, which he did. And the sweetest thing is that he died in a lab, admiring his creation before bleeding to death ;)

Thank you Breaking Bad crew.

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