Saturday, May 17, 2014

924 - just some thoughts on stock trading & business

Stock market
  1. Is it a bull or bear market? (look at chart of overall market, using S&P or ST index) 
  2. go for blue chips
  3. go for those currently on a retracement (or go for those that have not yet catch up with the trend yet)

My business stopped, as my supplier is not able to produce up to my standard. I was thinking of giving up, and maybe focus on my career and trading. But I thought, if there is some ways I can contribute to mankind, by giving something to the world I felt is missing, it is immoral not to do anything about it or give up on it easily. So just now, I seek out another vendor again and will repeat the process. I should not stop at a small problem. And I also always remember why I wanted to start a business in the first place. 

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