Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Equity:932.14 - Another loss, another lesson

Last night I was out with my Uni friends for dinner, and did not trade. Glad to see that they all looked unchanged, and it brings me back to my Uni times :)

On Monday I traded 4 times and lost all 4. And just now, I realized that I should not trade another different currency at the same time. That is because, all the major currencies are paired up against the USD!

There is a high chance that when USD moves in one direction, the rest will follow. And although there is a chance for me to win big, there is also a chance for me to lose big. And it is better to use a strategy one currency at a time to achieve less volatile results.

I hope what I deduced is true, and hope that my account will start reversing soon!

  • Use one strategy one currency at a time, as a movement in the USD will likely be the same movement for all currencies.

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