Monday, November 18, 2019

Cashing in, and waiting

Just had a new thought
initially I wanted to get 10k SGD for Singapore Shares war chest
what if I increase that even further
say 15k SGD?
Have 5k SGD to rebuy some of the US shares I sold
will keep that thought
not to get too excited
share prices still not at the level which i want to cash in
will be patient
looking to sell nvidia, tesla, and maybe more Goog

my USD account is currently worth 35k USD
quite a mile stone
35k is around 50k SGD
i put 40k SGD into the account
so 35k USD means it had increased by 10k SGD

it may not last long
that is why i am seeking opportunity to convert some cash

today i also compiled a reference for myself
how i buy stocks is firstly, i need to like their business
then i look at their numbers
so below is the numbers i am talking about

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